2H technology

  1. 2. made from wood that has been chopped very small and turned into “pulp”, which is then bleached, flattened, cut, and dried
  2. 4. bright reddish color, easy to form and mold, good electric and heat conductor, a bit expensive, used in electrical cables and heating pipes
  3. 6. silver color, very light, soft and easy to shape, used for drink cans, many kitchen things, and building materials
  4. 8. hardwood, resistant, durable, very hard, heavy, expensive
  5. 9. hardwood, flexible, often used in furniture
  6. 10. taken directly from tree trunks, classified as hardwood or softwood
  7. 12. separating the metal from inside a mineral, usually for steel and iron
  8. 14. turning metals into useful products
  9. 15. softwood, cheap, resistant, easy to work with, durable (lasts a long time)
  10. 17. bluish white color, soft, resistant to rust, used in a lot of things to prevent rust and erosion
  11. 20. copper/zinc alloy, bright yellow, easy to shape and mold, used in hardware and musical instruments
  12. 21. metals that contain iron, classified by amount of carbon they contain (soft iron, steel, cast iron)
  13. 23. can be shaped using a hammer, light gray or silver, not used in many things
  14. 25. extracting materials from the Earth’s crust
  15. 26. tropical wood, very durable for use outside, does not rot
  16. 27. softwood, doesn’t last long, rots easily, found in the mountains of the Iberian Peninsula
  17. 28. made from combining particles (pieces) of wood with glue to make new boards
  18. 29. resistant to being stretched or bent, soft enough for screws and nails, electrical and thermal insulator, biodegradable, float in water
  1. 1. easy to weld, high mechanical strength, lower price, most commonly used type of iron
  2. 3. metals that do not contain iron, classified by density, do not rust, conduct heat and electricity better, melt at lower temperatures
  3. 5. several different woods combined into stronger boards
  4. 7. very light, very expensive, flammable, used in fireworks and automotive components
  5. 11. boards lower quality wood made into larger boards, less expensive, usually very strong
  6. 13. soft, heavy, toxic, easy to mold, used in car batteries and x-ray technology
  7. 14. good heat and electricity conductors, high density (heavy), solid at room temp, shiny
  8. 16. very light, very hard, very expensive, bright and shiny, used in medicine because the human body does not reject it
  9. 18. melts easily, cannot be forged or welded, cheaper than steel, mostly used in engines
  10. 19. copper/tin alloy, dark yellow or brown, harder than copper, used in boat propellers and gears
  11. 22. bright white, melts easily, good electrical and thermal conductor, used in food cans mostly
  12. 24. plant cells from destroyed wood that are glued to make panels