2nd Nine Weeks Test Study

  1. 2. What we have to pay (Duty)
  2. 3. Freedom to say whats on our minds
  3. 6. Right of birthplace
  4. 8. We have to obey _____ (Duty)
  5. 11. Freedom to write to government officials
  6. 12. Freedom to practice our own ________ beliefs
  7. 13. Register to _____ is a responsibility
  8. 15. Right of blood
  9. 17. ______ others descions
  10. 19. Break a law and you have to face __________
  11. 20. Freedom to peacefully gather
  1. 1. Freedom to publish what we want
  2. 4. Help by doing ________ (Responsibility)
  3. 5. People that legally live and are from the US
  4. 7. How to become a citizen
  5. 9. Serve on ______ forces if called (Duty)
  6. 10. Way that the government can calculate how many people are in the U.S
  7. 14. Protection from the government treating you unfairly
  8. 16. What you hvae to learn how to speak to become a citizen
  9. 18. We have to serve ______ or witness one if called (Duty)