  1. 4. ACE inhibitor, side effect is persistent non productive cough
  2. 6. prevents fracture, another name for vit D
  3. 7. dopamine agonist, parkinson restless leg syndrome
  4. 9. diabetes mellitus fast acting
  5. 11. sodium ____ laxative, for constipation, stimulation of defecation, dulcolax
  6. 13. atypical antipsychotic, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, comes in wafer/tablet, can be given via IM injection
  7. 14. dipeptidyl peptidase 4 inhibitor, T2DM, oral medication
  8. 15. first generation cephalosphorin, bactericidal inhibits bacterial cell wall synthesis
  1. 1. selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, major depression, OCD, PTSD, Social anxiety disorder, panic disorder
  2. 2. for B12 deficiency, IM injection
  3. 3. atypical antipsychotic, behavioural disorder, schizophrenia, bipolar
  4. 5. surfactant stool softener, facilitates admixture of fat and water to soften stool
  5. 8. benzodiazepine, anticonvulsant anxiolytic muscle relaxant
  6. 10. Neuropathic pain Epilepsy Fibromyalgia Generalised Anxiety Disorder
  7. 12. water soluble B complex vitamin, Alcohol withdrawal