3-4 Vokabeln

  1. 2. to bake
  2. 3. Season
  3. 5. to drink
  4. 12. Snowball Fight
  5. 13. Festival
  6. 16. to receive
  7. 18. Spring
  8. 22. Ice Cream
  9. 23. Turkey
  10. 24. Easter eggs
  11. 26. er _______ (he eats)
  12. 29. to throw
  13. 30. er _____ (he gives)
  14. 33. du ______ (you give)
  15. 35. to play
  16. 36. Birthday
  17. 38. TV
  18. 40. to visit
  19. 42. Summer Break
  20. 45. sehen _____ (to watch TV)
  21. 46. bike
  22. 47. Snowball
  23. 48. Present / Gift
  1. 1. Snowman
  2. 4. Thanksgiving
  3. 6. Holiday
  4. 7. to give
  5. 8. Costumes
  6. 9. Winter
  7. 10. Wedding
  8. 11. Candle
  9. 14. beach
  10. 15. du _______ (you see)
  11. 17. cake
  12. 19. to go for a stroll
  13. 20. Card
  14. 21. New Year's Eve
  15. 24. Easter
  16. 25. cookies
  17. 27. er ______ (he sees / watches)
  18. 28. to swim
  19. 31. to do / make
  20. 32. New Year's
  21. 34. to color / dye
  22. 37. Christmas
  23. 39. Summer
  24. 41. Cocoa / Hot Chocolate
  25. 43. Fall
  26. 44. flower