3. Development

  1. 3. measure of distribution of income in a country (2 words)
  2. 5. South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore (2 words)
  3. 7. wealthy country making and exporting manufactured goods
  4. 8. approach to development arguing the solution is democratization, free markets, and private sector (2 words)
  5. 10. compares values of currencies by comparing costs of a food item from McDonalds (3 words)
  6. 13. total value of goods produced within the country in a year (abbreviation)
  7. 17. policy to sell goods to foreign consumers now, involves the government helping domestic producers via things like subsidies (3 words)
  8. 18. ____ theory arguing that poor countries just need to follow the path and policies followed by the US and West European countries
  9. 19. ____ theory arguing that FDI can extract profits from poor countries, making it difficult for them to grow
  10. 21. having a lot of natural assets can lead to poor economic growth (2 words)
  1. 1. measure of development that looks at GDP per capita, life expectancy, and education (abbreviation)
  2. 2. poor country, or country that cannot support its population, and country that largely exports raw materials (2 words)
  3. 4. "Import substitution industrialization was not a major success, as most followers of this policy failed in stage 2"
  4. 6. one of the more successful countries that followed import substitution industrialization
  5. 9. a value of 0 in the Gini Coefficient means perfect ____
  6. 11. approach to development arguing that welfare should be prioritized with development policies (2 words)
  7. 12. Countries like Switzerland, Denmark, and the Netherlands have ____ levels of HDI
  8. 14. adjusts currencies of different countries so we can compare them in a meaningful way, compares price of a basket of goods in different countries (abbreviation)
  9. 15. Countries like Somalia have ____ levels of HDI
  10. 16. policy to stop imports, increase domestic production, increase domestic manufacturing and efficiency, and later allow imports (abbreviation)
  11. 20. a value of 0 in the Gini Coefficient means perfect ____