3 Great Adventures

  1. 2. Cancer is the zodiac sign for this animal
  2. 7. Bellerophon had to deliver a letter to the King of _____
  3. 9. The King of Lycia was located here
  4. 14. She falls in love with Bellerophon
  5. 16. The mountains that were set on fire were Ida, ___, Parnasus, and Olympus
  6. 18. The lion is the animal for what zodiac sign
  7. 21. Daedalus's son
  8. 22. The scorpion is the animal for what zodiac sign
  9. 24. Daedalus built _____ to escape
  10. 27. Minos offered a reward for anyone who could thread a ______
  11. 31. Daedalus's name meant ____ worker
  12. 32. Minos was ______ by Cocalus's daughters
  13. 33. Angered the gods
  14. 35. The Sun swore by this river
  15. 37. Gave Bellerophon advice
  16. 39. Phaethon wants to drive his fathers ____
  17. 40. Pegasus ends up in the heavenly ____ of Olympus
  18. 41. Daedalus built this for the Minotaur
  19. 43. What Bellerophon wanted the most
  20. 45. Daedalus knew he had to escape this place
  21. 46. Phaethon's mother
  22. 47. Icarus was warned not to fly to close to the sun or his wings would ____
  23. 48. Daedalus offered his wings to this god
  24. 50. Pegasus sprung up from the ______ blood
  1. 1. He fed his horses ____ flesh
  2. 3. Tarus is the zodiac sign for this animal
  3. 4. Minos controlled the ___ around Crete
  4. 5. Pegasus _____his rider from his back
  5. 6. Phaethon was on ____ when he fell
  6. 8. The goddess who helps Bellerophon
  7. 10. The palace gleamed with _____
  8. 11. He was a famous architect, inventor, and master craftsman
  9. 12. He trapped Icarus and Daedalus in the Laybrinth
  10. 13. Icarus didn't listen to his fathers _____
  11. 15. He told him to go to Athena's _____
  12. 16. Who were Phaethon's sisters
  13. 17. She gives him a _____ of all gold
  14. 19. Poseidon was his rumored father
  15. 20. Modern name for the city of Ephyre
  16. 23. Bellerophon tried to ride up to _____
  17. 25. Daedalus left Camicus and ended up in ______
  18. 26. The Laybrinth was built to imprison the _____
  19. 28. Daedalus landed here
  20. 29. The Chimaera was a _____ in the middle
  21. 30. Phaethon fell into this river
  22. 34. The Chimaera was a _____ in behind
  23. 36. Phaethon's father is the _____ God
  24. 38. The _____ Sea is named after Icarus
  25. 42. Icarus ____ to his death after his feathers melted off
  26. 44. Daedalus tied an ____ to a string to complete the task
  27. 49. The Chimaera was a ____ in the front