3 th Unit Keywords

  1. 1. 3+4=4+3, since there is ......... property in addition.
  2. 3. 0 is the ......... element of multiplication.
  3. 8. ......... numbers cannot be expressed as a/b.
  4. 9. 3.(4+2)=(3.4)+(3.2) is an example of ......... property of multiplication over addition.
  5. 10. ......... are denoted by Z.
  6. 12. If a number is divided by 12, the greatest value of ......... is 11.
  7. 13. The ......... of 30 and 45 is 90.
  1. 2. (3.4).2= 3.(4.2) since there is ......... property in multiplication.
  2. 4. 0 is the ......... element of addition.
  3. 5. 1/3 is an ......... element of 3 with respect to multiplication.
  4. 6. 2 and 9 are ......... prime numbers.
  5. 7. All even numbers are ......... by 2.
  6. 11. The ......... of 36 and 60 is 12.