  1. 3. Set theory founder
  2. 7. Cartesian coordinate system
  3. 9. Probability and celestial mechanics
  4. 10. Famous for his triangle
  5. 12. Early female mathematician
  6. 13. Indian mathematical genius
  7. 16. Independently developed calculus
  8. 17. Father of geometry
  9. 18. Proposed 23 problems
  10. 19. Famous family of mathematicians
  11. 21. Founded group theory
  12. 23. Father of computer science
  13. 24. Sequence named after Italian mathematician
  14. 25. Famous theorem on triangles
  1. 1. Series and transforms
  2. 2. Prince of mathematicians
  3. 4. Swiss mathematician
  4. 5. Hypothesis on prime numbers
  5. 6. Last theorem
  6. 8. Ancient Greek mathematician
  7. 11. Fractals pioneer
  8. 14. Game theory developer
  9. 15. Developed calculus
  10. 20. Algebra innovator
  11. 22. Contributions to mechanics