30 Term List Lymphatic System

  1. 7. any disease process affecting the lymph node(s)
  2. 8. inflammation of the lymph nodes
  3. 9. infectious disease which causes an increased number of monocytes & lymphocytes
  4. 14. bone marrow disorder which causes an excessive production of RBC
  5. 15. physician specializing in diagnosing/treating disorders of the lymphatic system
  6. 17. white blood cells (WBC)
  7. 18. blood cells production
  8. 21. deficiency of red blood cells/hemoglobins
  9. 23. kills or damages cells
  10. 26. malignant tumor in epithelial tissue
  11. 27. a yeast infection which can occur in warm/moist areas
  12. 29. nuclear medicine imaging test
  13. 31. swelling of tissues due to an accumulation of fluid in tissues
  1. 1. incident where the covering of the spleen is torn
  2. 2. bacteria that forms irregular groups reassembling grapes
  3. 3. red blood cells (RBC)
  4. 4. bleeding from the spleen
  5. 5. malignant cancer affecting the lymph nodes/lymphatic tissue
  6. 6. hematocrit
  7. 10. bacteria that forms a chain which mainly cause strept throat
  8. 11. cell fragments that form clots to stop bleeding (platelets)
  9. 12. study of anything related to tumors/cancers
  10. 13. radiation therapy given at a distance
  11. 16. benign tumor formed by abnormal lymphatic vessels
  12. 19. acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
  13. 20. malignant tumor coming from the soft cinnvective tissue
  14. 22. medication to kill or damage cells
  15. 24. abnormal enlargement of the spleen
  16. 25. protein in blood cells (Hgb)
  17. 28. antibody/immune reaction
  18. 30. blood cancer in the bone marrow which causes an increase in WBC