3.05 Customer Service

  1. 2. This is a way to pay for a product over time if a customer does not have all of the money up front.
  2. 5. This is matching product quality and price among businesses.
  3. 6. This type of customer service offers routine service to ensure that the products works correctly.
  4. 9. A salesperson's job is done when a customer is this.
  5. 13. A key to customer service is having a positive
  6. 14. What should a salesperson do to an order after they have taken the order to ensure that the customer receives the product or service?
  7. 15. This is the speed at which customer complaints should be addressed.
  8. 16. Customers' service expectations are based on these types of experiences.
  1. 1. This type of selling is to offer other products or services that will enhance a purchase.
  2. 3. What word describes best the role of customer service in selling?
  3. 4. Quality customer service builds profits through existing customers by generating this type of business.
  4. 7. This is offered as a means to protect the customer if the product breaks or needs repair.
  5. 8. Keeping in touch with clients will help businesses maintain this.
  6. 10. This information from customers help businesses know if customers approve of the products or services.
  7. 11. This type of customer service will teach the customer how to use the product.
  8. 12. This type of support is usually needed for computer trouble shooting problems.