
  1. 2. may cause oliguria
  2. 3. test performed using a 12-hour urine
  3. 5. catheter is inserted up to the bladder
  4. 9. major inorganic component
  5. 11. bacterial enzyme that converts urea to ammonia
  6. 12. excellent sediment preservative
  7. 14. ideal specimen for routine urinalysis
  1. 1. effect of standing unpreserved urine on glucose
  2. 3. urine pH that causes cast disintegration
  3. 4. analyte tested using an afternoon specimen
  4. 6. preservative that floats on urine surface
  5. 7. associated with diabetes insipidus
  6. 8. routinely used preservation method
  7. 10. most commonly received urine specimen
  8. 13. major component of urine