3.3 Breaking the law

  1. 1. (phr v)go into a house or other building to steal things
  2. 5. (v) look in
  3. 7. (v)follow somebody quickly to catch them
  4. 8. (n)a person who goes into a house to steal things
  5. 9. (n)scent
  6. 11. (n)situation
  7. 13. (v)touch the ground after jumping
  8. 14. (adv)in the end
  9. 15. (v)catch /take hold of suddenly
  1. 2. (v)get away from a place
  2. 3. (adv)straight away
  3. 4. (v)catch and take to a police station
  4. 6. (n)somebody you don’t know
  5. 10. (phr)take money that isn’t yours
  6. 12. (phr v)escape; run away