3.4 Korea and Its Traditions

  1. 1. porcelain made in Korea with an unusual blue-green glaze
  2. 2. Peninsula in East Asia. Separated from Japan to the east by the Korea Strait and the Sea of Japan (East Sea)
  3. 3. King Sejong (1397–1450), Korea’s most celebrated ruler and known as the Great, in 1443 he replaced the complex Chinese system of writing with hangul. His numerous cultural and intellectual accomplishments have led historians to call his reign the Korean Golden Age.
  4. 4. Korean dynasty that ruled from 668 to 935
  5. 5. alphabet that uses symbols to represent the sounds of spoken Korean
  6. 6. percentage of people who can read and write
  1. 1. Korean dynasty that ruled from 1392 to 1910, the longest-lived of Korea’s three dynasties
  2. 2. Korean dynasty that ruled from 935 to 1392