3.4 - The Ethical Responsibilities Required of You as a Manager

  1. 3. When the potential for personal benefit makes it difficult for you to make the best decisions for the organization.
  2. 8. Standards about right and wrong with a company.
  3. 10. guided by respect for the fundamental rights of human beings.
  4. 13. supervisors repeatedly display verbal/nonverbal hostility toward subordinates.
  5. 15. unethical behaviors that lead to employees getting more than they deserve.
  6. 16. illegal trading of a company's stock by people using confidential company information
  7. 17. A situation in which you have to decide whether to pursue a course of action that may benefit you and your organization, but that is unethical or even illegal.
  8. 18. Level 1 of Kohlberg's theory - follows rules
  9. 19. making employment decisions based on the other gender.
  10. 20. the pattern of values in an organization.
  1. 1. A formal written set of ethical standards
  2. 2. breaking rules that could cause health issues.
  3. 4. respecting impartial standards of fairness
  4. 5. an employee, or even an outside consultant, who reports organizational misconduct
  5. 6. caused by people doing terrible things.
  6. 7. threatening or intimidating others - hostile work environment.
  7. 9. Level 2 of Kohlberg's theory - follows the expectations of others
  8. 11. guided by what will result in the greatest good for the greatest number of people.
  9. 12. using power to get a personal belief approved
  10. 14. Level 3 of Kohlberg’s theory - guided by internal values