3460:480 F21 Agile Software Process Models

  1. 2. XP has _____ standards for comprehension
  2. 5. RUP phase to determine architecture
  3. 6. In XP, ____ is kept as simple as possible
  4. 8. Agile methods are _____
  5. 9. Companies are _____ following an agile process
  6. 14. XP strongly involves ____
  7. 15. RUP phase for integration into existing systems
  8. 16. XP has ____ ownership. Any developer can change the code at any time
  9. 17. What RUP stands for
  10. 21. RUP is between ____ ___ and agile approaches
  11. 22. In XP, the scope of the next release is quickly determined with the plan updated as necessary
  12. 25. In XP, simple story for the entire system
  13. 26. A RUP workflow which tailors the process to the project needs
  14. 27. RUP phase where you determine your objectives
  15. 29. Companies ___ __ __ following an agile process
  16. 31. In RUP, the architecture has a strong use of ______
  17. 32. XP strongly involves ______
  18. 33. XP has _____ design
  19. 34. Many companies ____ they are following an agile process
  1. 1. RUP phase for implementation
  2. 3. Agile methods are _____
  3. 4. A RUP workflow concerned with external release
  4. 7. RUP is the most ______ with specific practices
  5. 10. Agile methods are ______ pass
  6. 11. In XP, a real user is an ____ ____ customer
  7. 12. XP is the abbreviation for _____ programming
  8. 13. XP follows a __ ____ week, where working overtime is the exception
  9. 18. XP is given as a set of best ______
  10. 19. Improving the design, but not changing the behavior
  11. 20. Agile methods are _____
  12. 23. In XP, customers continuously write ____ tests
  13. 24. In XP, developers continuously write ____ tests
  14. 28. All code is written by a pair of programmers using one computer
  15. 30. XP has ____ releases
  16. 31. XP has ______ integration