3.5 Firms

  1. 1. Specialist managers help save money
  2. 3. Owning different businesses in different stages of production
  3. 4. business that is owned by one person
  4. 5. Can lose personal belongings if bsiness fails
  5. 7. Buying the licence to operate an existing business
  6. 11. Advantage of sole trader is that you keep all...
  7. 12. The more advertising the cheaper it becomes
  8. 13. Measuring size of a business
  9. 17. Taking over same industry forward in stage of production
  10. 19. Taking over same industry in a production stage behind
  11. 23. Reason to grow
  12. 24. Bigger the business the better financial services
  13. 25. Taking over same industry same stage of production
  1. 2. Reason to grow
  2. 3. Measuring size of a business
  3. 6. Save money from large transportation
  4. 8. Disadvantage of sole trader you work lots of...
  5. 9. firm with the highest percentage of sales in a market
  6. 10. share Measuring size of a business
  7. 14. Reason top grow
  8. 15. The more you buy the cheaper the unit becomes
  9. 16. Merger or takeover to grow
  10. 18. Can only lose assets that the business owns if the business fails
  11. 20. Measuring size of a business
  12. 21. Using own profits to expand
  13. 22. Save money from have many businesses