3745 - Quick Check-in

  1. 3. Blockage or closing of a blood vessel
  2. 9. Potential complication of Stage IV PAD progression
  3. 10. Damage to the blood vessels of the light sensitive tissue at the back of the eye
  4. 11. Common occlusion site for PAD (artery)
  5. 12. Deterioration of kidney function
  6. 16. Symptoms are thirst, dry skin, frequent urination, impaired wound healing
  7. 17. Increase levels of this transporter improve insulin sensitivity
  8. 18. Weight used to execute bicep curl test (men)
  9. 19. Diabetes that can develop in pregnancy
  10. 21. Component of Socioecological model of behavior change exploring support structures (friends, family, etc.)
  11. 22. Fasting Blood Glucose level of 100-125 mg-dl on a FBG
  12. 24. Number of seconds utilized in the sit-2-stand test and arm curl test (SFTP)
  13. 26. Test to determine presence claudication and PAD
  1. 1. Less 70 mg-dl
  2. 2. Pain in thigh, calf, or buttocks that happens with exercise
  3. 4. Blood pressure less than 120/80 mmhg
  4. 5. Nerves located outside the brain and spinal cord are damaged
  5. 6. Disease of large blood vessels
  6. 7. Reflects mean blood glucose control over 2-3 months
  7. 8. As this increases, the likelihood of one or more chronic diseases increases
  8. 13. Inaccurate BP reading when cuff is too small
  9. 14. One of 3 modulators assessed in the ACSM algorithm used in pre-screening
  10. 15. Alternative fuels for body when glucose is in short supply
  11. 20. HDL - when below ____mg-dl is considered as a positive CAD risk factor
  12. 23. Epidemiology research has discovered this population has one of the highest levels of Type 2 Diabetes
  13. 25. Time (seconds) a patient should be able to ascend a flight of 10 steps (Physical function)