3.8 Review

  1. 4. Cuba is the only example of this type of government in the caribbean.
  2. 5. The type of economy Cuba has.
  3. 7. An average of eight of these natural disasters impact the region per year.
  4. 8. All the nations in the region except for Cuba have this type of market economy.
  5. 9. The religions in the region reflect the history with religions like Santeria and this one combining ideas from christianity and Africa.
  1. 1. The nations in the governments unlike Central America are ruled by this type of government institution. This is a reflection of their history of being former colonies of Great Britain and France.
  2. 2. The nations of the Caribbean nearly all suffer from small____ making it harder to develope their economies.
  3. 3. The tropical islands of the Caribbean employ many people through this industry.
  4. 6. Many of the people in the Caribbean speak this type of language that reflects their colonial past and the legacy of slavery.