39, baby!

  1. 2. Asher’s first catch turned meal
  2. 5. “If any of you lacks…
  3. 6. grand library acquisition
  4. 8. orange garden successes
  5. 9. On This Island?
  6. 11. 90s Christian rock song on loop 2 words
  7. 13. Christmas visitors?
  8. 16. Proctors show with a side of Nathan
  9. 18. William’s acting achievement 2 words
  10. 19. scavenger hunt theme 2 words
  11. 20. Noah’s light
  12. 21. Kate’s co-op
  13. 25. July Adventure
  14. 27. Williams Birthday Dream 2 words
  15. 28. April’s unwelcome visitor
  16. 30. Kramer’s neighbor
  17. 32. Kate’s fall reno project
  18. 33. Gideon’s reluctant performance
  19. 36. Asher’s inspiration
  20. 37. new one for us but pretty much the old one over again
  21. 38. Halloween theme 2 words
  1. 1. Luke’s Play 4 words
  2. 3. Grandmas’ vacation destination
  3. 4. What you did while I wrote this crossword? 2 words
  4. 7. First owner of this house
  5. 10. Gideon’s pacifier bribe
  6. 12. Forever prom date
  7. 14. Post Easter Pre Covid movie outting franchise
  8. 15. Tropical Storm who caused a naked adventure
  9. 17. newest family member
  10. 22. “let every person be quick to…
  11. 23. Music department lake rescue?
  12. 24. Tully Lake flood inducer
  13. 26. “he will be blessed in his…
  14. 29. fall sport watching
  15. 30. Guys and Dolls crooner
  16. 31. “But each person is tempted when he is…
  17. 34. Cozy/Chic cabin highlight 2 words
  18. 35. “he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his…