
  1. 2. This friend just moved into a new house.
  2. 3. This friend is a new friend and is still in Italy!
  3. 6. This person has two brothers and built the lego Star Wars ship called the Millennium Falcon.
  4. 8. This person likes Tom Gates.
  5. 11. This person likes hip-hop movements and has one vowel three times in their name.
  1. 1. This friend has 5 letters in their name, 3 of them are vowels.
  2. 4. This friend loves football and speaks Danish and English.
  3. 5. This person loves to write and built the entire Harry Potter universe out of Lego.
  4. 7. This person has a creative imagination and owns a dog.
  5. 9. This person loves horses!
  6. 10. This person plays the cello and often had a friend called Toothless join the meetings.