- 2. This friend just moved into a new house.
- 3. This friend is a new friend and is still in Italy!
- 6. This person has two brothers and built the lego Star Wars ship called the Millennium Falcon.
- 8. This person likes Tom Gates.
- 11. This person likes hip-hop movements and has one vowel three times in their name.
- 1. This friend has 5 letters in their name, 3 of them are vowels.
- 4. This friend loves football and speaks Danish and English.
- 5. This person loves to write and built the entire Harry Potter universe out of Lego.
- 7. This person has a creative imagination and owns a dog.
- 9. This person loves horses!
- 10. This person plays the cello and often had a friend called Toothless join the meetings.