3Ne Crossword

  1. 3. The Northern side of the Civil War.
  2. 4. Goddess of birth
  3. 8. periods, commas, capitalization, spelling
  4. 10. Means the same
  5. 11. Parentheses, Exponent, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction,
  6. 16. Author of Unfortunate Events
  7. 17. One minus one
  8. 18. City State named after Athena
  9. 19. Uses like or as
  10. 20. Answer to a multiplication problem.
  1. 1. Son of Kronos
  2. 2. The Southern side of the Civil War
  3. 5. One plus one
  4. 6. One of the Big Three
  5. 7. Son of Poseidon
  6. 9. Also known as times
  7. 12. the inverse operation of multiplication.
  8. 13. Answer to a division problem.
  9. 14. Numbers being multiplied in a multiplication problem.
  10. 15. A concept learned in Engineering; cars and rockets