3rd cpu parts

  1. 2. records a photograph as digital code that can be input in to a computer
  2. 5. output devices for words, music or sounds
  3. 6. what you use to type letters, numbers and symbols into the computer
  4. 9. contains hardware inside it that processes data
  5. 11. speakers that rest on your head and cover your ears
  6. 13. prints the information on paper
  7. 14. shows you information on a screen
  1. 1. a pointing device you use to input data (hint: not a rat but a...)
  2. 3. printers that spray ink through nozzles onto paper
  3. 4. the fastest type of printer
  4. 7. stores data and programs in the computer
  5. 8. input device that converts whatever it is on a page as input for the computer (hint: opposite of a printer)
  6. 10. input device that inputs sound and converts it to data for the computer
  7. 12. the chip that performs all the calculations (hint: central processing unit)