3rd Nine Weeks Social Studies Vocabulary

  1. 2. the branch of government that writes laws, called bills
  2. 4. make a change to environment to fit your needs
  3. 5. being fair and treating others equally
  4. 6. elected by the people, decided if laws have been broken
  5. 8. choosing government leaders and consenting to be governed
  6. 9. make a change to yourself to fit the environment
  7. 11. something harmful or poisonous in the water, air, or land
  8. 13. the branch of government that judges laws and decides if they have been broken
  9. 15. moving from one place to another (cars, airports, buses)
  10. 16. public pools, parks, movie theaters are examples
  11. 17. level of government led by the governor
  1. 1. obeying laws, serving the community, and voting
  2. 3. sharing information with others (newspaper, tv,
  3. 7. the branch of government that carries out laws
  4. 10. level of government led by the mayor
  5. 12. level of government led by the president
  6. 14. helping people without being paid (ex. American Red Cross)