3rd Nine Weeks

  1. 2. Lofty (Caesar's English)
  2. 5. Measure (stem)
  3. 6. Relating to (stem)
  4. 9. Nature of,like (stem)
  5. 10. Study (stem)
  6. 12. Quivering (Caesar's English)
  7. 13. Over (stem)
  8. 15. Around (stem)
  1. 1. Outcry (Caesar's English)
  2. 3. Beautifully Made (Caesar's English)
  3. 4. Ship (stem)
  4. 5. Sea (stem)
  5. 7. Plant (stem)
  6. 8. Animal (stem)
  7. 11. Indirectly refer to (Caesar's English)
  8. 14. On (stem)