4012 - the respiratory system

  1. 2. type of intercostals that contract on inspiration
  2. 3. pouch containing more than 2 alveoli
  3. 4. lined with simple squamous epithelial cells // secretes alveolar fluid
  4. 5. upper respiratory system infection / caused by a virus / treatment is dexamethasone
  5. 9. splits into L+R bronchi // horizontal rings made up of C-shaped hypaline cartillage
  6. 10. made of incomplete rings of cartilage / right one is wider, shorter and more vertical
  7. 11. respiratory system consisting of nose, nasal cavity, paranalsinus, pharynx
  8. 16. 150ml
  9. 17. type of respiration - between air and blood
  10. 19. left of right lung? (2 lobes)
  11. 21. respiratory system consisitng of larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs
  12. 22. passageway connecting laryngopharynx to trachea
  13. 24. expiration is a _____ process
  14. 26. blood clot in artery of a lung
  15. 27. type of pleura -- lines thoracic cavity
  1. 1. resp rate x (tidal vol. - anatomical dead space)
  2. 6. muscle that relaxes during expiration
  3. 7. passageway for air and food
  4. 8. movement of air in and out the lungs
  5. 12. type of respiration - between blood and tissues
  6. 13. warms and moistens air // detection of smell
  7. 14. pressure and volume are inversely proportional to one another
  8. 15. left of right lung? (3 lobes)
  9. 18. inspiration is a ______ process
  10. 20. serous membrane that covers the lungs
  11. 22. factor affecting ventillation - ease of which lungs may be inflated
  12. 23. type of pleura -- continous over the lung surface
  13. 25. contains lubricants