404 unit 2

  1. 3. Fast food is often very high in _____.
  2. 7. Nancy is ____ confused about the days. She will forget the day one time every few weeks.
  3. 8. Before you bake the cake, ____ the ingredients well.
  4. 9. Liz dislikes the ____ of okra. It is too mushy.
  5. 10. There are many difficult ____ in English grammar.
  6. 12. The ____ in North America are much larger than many countries. We serve larger amounts of food.
  1. 1. Ben asked a very _____ question. There isn't a simple answer.
  2. 2. My grandmother is very ___ and gives a lot of good advice.
  3. 4. I try to eat a ______ diet with many vegetables.
  4. 5. Can you ____ a Canadian from an American? Many people think they speak very similarly.
  5. 6. American culture has _____ Canadian culture. We watch many of the same tv shows and listen to the same music.
  6. 8. There are many ways to learn vocabulary. What ____ do you prefer?
  7. 11. A lot of Sichuan food is very ___. It burns my mouth.
  8. 13. The eastern ______ of Canadian is known for its very friendly people.