Designer Minds 2021

  1. 4. a type of intelligence that means you are good with people
  2. 7. It's short for Red Green Blue
  3. 10. these get stronger the more you use them!
  4. 11. increase in speed
  5. 12. the art and science of designing buildings
  6. 14. one of the 5 senses
  7. 19. where bones are joined
  8. 20. the first version of an invention
  9. 21. giving instructions to robots or computers
  10. 22. a person who invents and designs things
  11. 24. a type of intelligence that might mean you are good at playing an instrument
  1. 1. the way that air moves around things that are moving through it
  2. 2. the force that pulls things towards the Earth
  3. 3. a type of intelligence that might make you good at art
  4. 5. a person who studies how the human body works during exercise
  5. 6. the energy that a moving object has
  6. 8. a push or a pull on something
  7. 9. a mistake in your code
  8. 13. a machine that can do difficult or boring work
  9. 15. an educated guess
  10. 16. an electronic part that allows a robot to know what is going on around it
  11. 17. a gas that is needed to help release the energy from food in the body
  12. 18. fix a mistake in your code
  13. 23. brain cells