4.2 Crossword

  1. 2. The 15th _______________ was signed into law to protect the right to vote for all citizens regardless of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. This mainly protected African-American citizens from discrimination.
  2. 7. After the Civil War, many states in the south implemented discriminatory laws to suppress African-American citizens from voting and to keep white and black people segregated. (Two words)
  3. 9. The political group which opposed Lincoln's Ten Percent Plan and created the Reconstruction Acts for the South's re-admittance to the Union was the ___________ _____________. (Two words)
  4. 12. One of the ways former Confederate states attempted to reduce the number of African-American men from voting was to introduce a ________ _________ and charge citizens a fee to vote. (Two words)
  5. 14. The period after the Civil War in which Southern states were rebuilt & brought back into the Union as the federal government addressed the impact of slavery was called __________________.
  6. 15. After trying to suppress Reconstruction plans, Radical Republicans
  7. 16. In the Election of 1868, former Union general Ulysses ___________ ran as a Republican who supported Reconstruction and extending rights to former slaves.
  8. 17. After the Civil War ended, former Confederate states had to be readmitted to the Union and were placed under _______________ control for several years.
  9. 18. One of the biggest impacts of Reconstruction was that African-Americans were now able to ________ and take part in the political process.
  1. 1. President Lincoln and Congress created the ___________ ____________ to provide and protect many rights and services intended for formerly enslaved African-Americans. (Two words)
  2. 3. The 14th Amendment was signed into law to protect the earlier legislation of the _________ _________ Act of 1866. (Two words)
  3. 4. Besides the poll tax, southern states also began forcing citizens to pass a __________ test in order to vote, but exempted anyone whose father or grandfather could vote on January 1st, 1867 -- making the law only apply to African-Americans.
  4. 5. People in the former Confederate states viewed Northerners that came South to profit as unwelcomed and referred to them as _______________.
  5. 6. The 13th Amendment abolished all forms of __________ in the United States, except as a punishment for a crime.
  6. 8. In his Second __________ Address, President Lincoln called for the nation to begin healing the wounds and division and that the former Confederate states should be treated with both kindness and weakness.
  7. 10. The Supreme Court ruled in __________ v. United States that "Grandfather Clauses" used to suppress African-American voters was unconstitutional.
  8. 11. After the Civil War, much of the former Confederate leadership retained their political power and immediately began passing laws to trap former slaves in a system that limited their rights and freedoms. These became known as _______ ________. (Two words)
  9. 13. Southern Democrats could not believe that any white southerner would vote for Republican candidates and would call them a ____________ if they did, which meant they were a traitor to the South.