- 4. Apple game
- 7. Filled with spirits
- 8. Resting place
- 9. Witch’s ride
- 11. Bony figure
- 12. Dress-up attire
- 18. Shaping pumpkins
- 20. Face cover
- 22. Haunting spirits
- 24. Halloween march
- 25. Halloween gathering
- 1. Adorn with spook
- 2. Witch’s pot
- 3. Fall drink
- 5. Halloween blaze
- 6. Halloween squash
- 10. Sweet reward
- 13. Web weaver
- 14. Halloween prank
- 15. Trick-or-treat reward
- 16. Halloween figure
- 17. Carved pumpkin light
- 19. Flying mammals
- 21. Candy holder
- 23. Eerie feeling