  1. 4. Apple game
  2. 7. Filled with spirits
  3. 8. Resting place
  4. 9. Witch’s ride
  5. 11. Bony figure
  6. 12. Dress-up attire
  7. 18. Shaping pumpkins
  8. 20. Face cover
  9. 22. Haunting spirits
  10. 24. Halloween march
  11. 25. Halloween gathering
  1. 1. Adorn with spook
  2. 2. Witch’s pot
  3. 3. Fall drink
  4. 5. Halloween blaze
  5. 6. Halloween squash
  6. 10. Sweet reward
  7. 13. Web weaver
  8. 14. Halloween prank
  9. 15. Trick-or-treat reward
  10. 16. Halloween figure
  11. 17. Carved pumpkin light
  12. 19. Flying mammals
  13. 21. Candy holder
  14. 23. Eerie feeling