
  1. 2. a long curved fruit with a thick yellow skin and soft flesh, that grows on trees in hot countries
  2. 3. used with uncountable nouns or plural countable nouns to mean ‘an amount of’ or ‘a number of’, when the amount or number is not given
  3. 6. belonging to us; connected with us
  4. 7. used with uncountable or plural nouns in negative sentences and questions,
  5. 9. short form of let us
  6. 12. a large tropical fruit with thick rough skin, sweet yellow flesh with a lot of juice and stiff leaves on top
  7. 13. the part of a plant that consists of one or more seeds and flesh, can be eaten as food and usually tastes sweet
  8. 14. fairly cold; not hot or warm /to show that they approve of sth or agree to a suggestion
  1. 1. to create or prepare sth by combining materials or putting parts together
  2. 4. a tropical fruit with smooth yellow or red skin, soft orange flesh and a large seed inside
  3. 5. a small green or purple fruit that grows in bunches on a climbing plant (called a vine ).
  4. 8. very good, pleasant or enjoyable
  5. 10. used to show that you are grateful to sb for sth they have done
  6. 11. a mixture of raw vegetables such as lettuce , tomato and cucumber , usually served with other food as part of a meal