  1. 2. Has a strong interest in rats.
  2. 5. I love seeing and learning about pigs.
  3. 6. l always put my hair in a bun.
  4. 7. This year was my first year at Southmoor.
  5. 8. l have the longest surname in the class.
  6. 9. Loves ice cream.
  7. 11. I love dogs.
  8. 13. l am female with short brown hair and eyes.
  9. 14. l have the class record for doing a bridge or plank exercise.
  10. 17. l love listening to Opera music.
  11. 19. l love video games.
  12. 20. l have a family member who is in the Police Officer.
  13. 22. l play for the Highett Bulldogs in football.
  14. 23. One of my classmates names starts with the same letter as me.
  1. 1. I love tennis.
  2. 3. l have an older brother in Year 6.
  3. 4. l sat next to Sarah in the 4th term.
  4. 10. l am friendly to everyone and wear glasses.
  5. 12. l love reading.
  6. 15. l am an only child and love cats.
  7. 16. l can speak 2 languages and enjoy numeracy.
  8. 18. Has Filipino (Philippines) heritage.
  9. 21. Loves learning about Turtles.