4th Grade Spelling Words

  1. 3. took place
  2. 6. keep
  3. 7. when Braydon wakes up
  4. 10. Percy Jackson's mother is one
  5. 12. not taking sides
  6. 14. fork, spoon, or knife
  7. 17. not whole
  8. 19. not strange
  9. 20. the hardest gem
  1. 1. don't forget
  2. 2. stand up to
  3. 4. what kids do when they don't get their way
  4. 5. the outer part of the sun's atmosphere, seen during an eclipse when the sun is blocked by the moon
  5. 8. when the sun is blocked by the moon
  6. 9. Mr. Andre works on the County __________
  7. 11. a number between 10 and 30
  8. 13. having to do with the brain
  9. 15. peaceful
  10. 16. used to make neat letters or pictures
  11. 18. a preserved plant, animal, or bone