4th of July

  1. 4. Where was the first Independence Day celebration held?
  2. 6. Who was the first president of the United States?
  3. 7. Who is credited with creating the American Flag?
  4. 10. Who is the author of the Pledge of Allegiance
  5. 12. Who had the largest signature on the Declaration of Independence?
  6. 13. What is a typical late night display that captivates audiences of all ages?
  7. 14. The Statue of _______
  1. 1. What is a public procession celebrating a special holiday or event?
  2. 2. What was the first state?
  3. 3. How many times does the Liberty Bell ring on Independence Day every year?
  4. 5. What is the most commonly ate food on the Fourth of July?
  5. 8. Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?
  6. 9. Which United States President was born on the Fourth of July?
  7. 11. Fourth of July is considered a ________ holiday