4th of July Traditions

  1. 1. First President of the USA
  2. 4. The 4th of July celebrates USA independence from
  3. 5. Americas passtime and sport
  4. 7. The color of the stars on the flag
  5. 9. People gather in the streets at Washington D.C. for the National Independence Day...
  6. 10. The Declaration of...
  1. 2. 50 stars on the USA flag for 50
  2. 3. Main activity on the night of the 4th of July
  3. 4. Everyone dresses in Red, White, and
  4. 6. Popular food at barbecues in celebration
  5. 8. The thirteen stripes on the US flag represents the original thirteen
  6. 9. Families gather in parks to enjoy what activity on the 4th of July