4th Quarter Word Wall

  1. 4. The classification of the risk that probationers pose to the community.
  2. 5. The legal agreement that an offender may be on a supervised release from jail as long as they adhere to certain conditions.
  3. 6. An alternative punishment that requires an offender to work in the community.
  4. 8. A money payment that's issued to an offender to compensate fir their misdeeds.
  5. 10. A sentencing aimed to spare non-violent offenders from the stigma and labeling of a criminal conviction.
  6. 11. When the offender of the victim of the crime for the trouble the defendant caused.
  7. 14. The process of keeping violent offenders in confinement to eliminate the possibility of recidivism.
  8. 15. When an offender is removed from parole
  9. 17. The old fashioned practice of allowing offenders to go unpunished if they agree to refrain from any further criminal activities.
  10. 19. Prison sentences for two or more crimes that are served one at a time.
  1. 1. Sentence is aimed to reduce future criminality by treating and eliminating underlying criminal causes.
  2. 2. When a parole officer settles the case at the initial appearance before criminal proceedings.
  3. 3. Prison sentences for two or more crimes that are served together.
  4. 5. A state or federal institution for felony offenders with terms of 1 year or more.
  5. 7. When a offender confronts their crimes and repays the debt the owe to society.
  6. 9. When a sentence is delayed while the defendant undergoes community treatment.
  7. 12. The act of awarded each person with his/her just do.
  8. 13. A facility designed to hold pretrial detainees and misdemeanants serving their sentences.
  9. 16. A policy that allows offenders to leave institution due to special situations, like a funeral or educational training.
  10. 18. A state correctional facility designed to hold felons.