5 Epic Disasters: Boston Molasses Flood of 1919

  1. 2. In 1917, America joined the Allied forces of England, France, and Russia to defeat Germany. Most of the war was fought in _________. P. World War I: Four Bloody Years Page 1
  2. 7. This word means, “to invent an excuse, explanation, or story in order to deceive someone.” USIA’s ________ story was that a bomb had destroyed the tank. P. 76
  3. 8. This word means, “to suddenly release a violent force that cannot be controlled” and refers to the 2.7 million gallons of sticky molasses crashing out in all directions. P. 72-73
  4. 11. Synonyms for this word are: “nightmarish, dreadful, awful and frightful.” This word is used to describe the battles during World War I. P. 66
  5. 14. The reason the four-year series of battles was called World War I was that nearly 100 counties felt the _______ of the bloody and terrible war. World War I: Four Bloody Years Page 1
  6. 17. This word means “Bend, fold, curl or shrivel due to heat, force and pressure.” P. 80
  7. 19. First responders, such as firefighters, police officers, nurses and _________ from docked ships rushed to the scene. P. 75
  8. 20. The first sign of danger sounded like machine-gun fire as thousands of steel __________ that held the tank together popped out of place. P. 71-72
  9. 22. Which was the first state to require people to get a permit before constructing a tank or any structure? P. 78-79
  10. 24. Families who had lost relatives and homes in the disaster hired lawyers and ________ justice. P. 78
  11. 27. Even though Anthony was covered with a sheet, he wasn’t dead, only ____________, with his mouth filled with molasses. P. 81
  12. 30. Molasses was heated up in a process called _________ and turned into a liquid called industrial alcohol. P. 69
  13. 32. In this North End of Boston was a ____________ of poor, immigrant families from Italy, who were experiencing hardship and who spoke very little English. P. 65-66
  14. 33. A person who believes in little or no formal organization. Synonyms are: “lawlessness, free-for-all, riotousness.” P. 77
  15. 35. Synonyms include: “overload, overwhelm or flood.” This word’s definition is, “to bring to a place or person too much of something, so that it cannot be dealt with.” P. 80
  16. 36. In the Great Mill Disaster of 1878, an explosion occurred when a spark ignited the flour _______ that filled the air. P. Another Strange and Deadly Disaster
  17. 39. Synonyms for this word are “gloomy, drab, dull and cheerless.” It is used to describe Anthony and his family’s apartment. P. 66
  18. 40. A wave of molasses carried Anthony several blocks until he crashed into a metal ___________, which knocked him out. P. 73
  19. 41. This word means, “a large building divided into apartments, usually in a poor area of a city.” P. The Boston Molasses Flood Files Page 2
  20. 42. This word means, “badly and carelessly made, using low quality materials.” This word describes tanks and other structures before there were laws requiring permits and blueprints that had to be approved before construction of such tanks or structures. P. 77
  21. 45. Even after __________ pinned the blame on USIA, the company did not accept responsibility. P. 77
  22. 46. The water of Boston Harbor was stained ________ - brown for weeks from the amount of molasses that flowed into it. P. 75
  1. 1. Molasses comes from the sugarcane plant, which grows in hot and humid regions like the __________. P. 68
  2. 3. In the photo, the ________ was taller than the little girl! On this device, families in 1919 would listen to music, comedies, news, and dramas. P. The Boston Molasses Flood Files Page 3
  3. 4. The poor and powerless immigrants, who spoke little English were not likely to complain about the dangerous ____________. P. 61
  4. 5. After years of terror and death, World War I and the widespread influenza were over. Anthony and the residents of North End sensed a mood of ___________. P. 67
  5. 6. Firefighters used salt water to ________ the hardening “goo” from the streets. P. 75
  6. 9. This word means “old, torn, in poor condition” and describes Anthony’s coat. P. 65
  7. 10. The United States Industrial Alcohol (USIA) company decided to build a massive molasses storage tank near Boston _________, a sheltered port area. P. 69
  8. 12. When USIA’s own workers reported the leaks in the tank, their bosses __________ to try to fix the leaks. P. 70
  9. 13. Thousands of steel fasteners shot through the sky like bullets. Giant pieces of the tank’s metal turned into __________. P. 73
  10. 15. World War I was one of the great tragedies of the __________ century. P. World War I: Four Bloody Years
  11. 16. The light bulb was a brilliant invention that changed the world! In 1919, it was new __________. P. The Boston Molasses Flood Files Page 1
  12. 18. Soldiers spent weeks or months in long ditches dug into the ground. Thus, _______ warfare was brutal and miserable for the soldiers. P. World War I: Four Bloody Years Page 2
  13. 21. There are no monuments or museums to remember those who died. The only _________ of the flood is a small metal plaque in Boston’s North End. P. 81
  14. 23. Anthony was a luck _________ of one of the strangest disasters in American history. P. 81
  15. 25. “A worrisome or threatening event (seemingly) is about to happen. P. 68
  16. 26. This word means, “a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular time.” P. 67
  17. 28. More than two and a half million gallons of molasses could be stored in the quickly-____________ , massive tank on the North End. P. 69-70
  18. 29. Lasting for four years, World War I became known as the “war to end all ________.” P. World War I: Four Bloody Years Page 1
  19. 31. In 1919, industrial alcohol was used as a key ingredient in explosives such as mines, bombs, __________ and other weapons. P. 69
  20. 34. In 1919, cars, horses and buggies crowded the roads, which were in terrible condition. Thus, _________ were common. P. The Boston Molasses Flood Files Page 3
  21. 37. This word means “unusual and specially interesting because of coming from a (tropical) country that is far away” and describes jazz. P. The Boston Molasses Flood Files Page 4
  22. 38. Before 1919, less than half of American kids attended school. In 1919, the _________ of American kids were going to school. P. The Boston Molasses Flood Files Page 2
  23. 43. This word means, “arouse the curiosity or interest of; fascinate.” P. The Boston Molasses Flood Files Page 1
  24. 44. This word means, “broken or torn pieces left from the destruction of something larger.” P. 75