5 Subfields of geography

  1. 2. the study and practice of making and using maps.
  2. 5. the study of the interaction between human beings and their environment in particular places and across spatial areas.
  3. 8. in which religion is expressed on the earth and it's social, cultural, and environmental impacts.
  4. 10. the study of the formation, characteristics, and distribution of soils.
  5. 12. a broad and holistic science that examines spatial patterns of biological diversity.
  6. 17. the practice of using natural resources responsibly,so they can support both present and future generations.
  7. 18. the process of detecting and monitoring the physical characteristics of an area.
  8. 20. the study of how humans interact with the physical environment.
  9. 21. is about all genders having equal rights and opportunities.
  10. 22. scientific study of sea currents, the ocean floor, and the fish and animals that live in the sea.
  11. 23. an azimuthal perspective projection, projecting the earth's surface from an infinite distance to a plane.
  12. 24. the study of how non-human animals intersect with human societies.
  1. 1. a sub field of ecology that examines the patterns and interactions between communities that make up large areas.
  2. 2. the study of the relationship between culture and place.
  3. 3. the geography of ancient times or of a particular past geologic epoch.
  4. 4. the study of the atmosphere and how processes in the atmosphere determine Earth's weather and climate.
  5. 5. the study of water systems and water movement throughout the earth.
  6. 6. the collection, transport,processing or disposal of waste materials, usually ones produced by human activity.
  7. 7. local or regional variations of a language or dialect studied as field of knowledge.
  8. 9. learning resources for adults, children, parents,and teachers.
  9. 11. a region surrounding a city.
  10. 13. the movement of goods or people from one location to another location.
  11. 14. the scientific study of the formation, movements of glaciers.
  12. 15. a branch of geography that studies the world's regions.
  13. 16. the study of the atmosphere and weather patterns over time.
  14. 19. the study of the relation between geographic factors and disease.