50 Adjectives

  1. 2. Little in amount or size
  2. 4. Not rising a great distance
  3. 5. In an early stage of life
  4. 6. Superior to all others
  5. 8. Extremely big
  6. 10. Mentally or physically powerful
  7. 12. Before the expected time
  8. 14. Strange or unusual
  9. 16. In agreement with facts
  10. 18. Pleasant; causing no problems
  11. 19. Being very annoyed or upset
  12. 20. Containing as much as possible with no empty space
  13. 21. Not costing money
  14. 22. Not closed; able to be entered
  15. 24. Making a lot of noise
  16. 25. Accurate; in agreement with the truth
  17. 27. Large in size
  1. 1. Very meaningful, valuable or powerful
  2. 3. Measuring a great distance from one end to the other
  3. 4. after the expected time
  4. 6. Superior to someone or something else
  5. 7. Occupied with activities or work
  6. 8. Difficult
  7. 9. Unpleasant, causing problems
  8. 11. Recently created, bought or rented
  9. 13. Small in size or amount
  10. 15. Not the same
  11. 17. Not difficult
  12. 18. Better than good; of a very high quality
  13. 22. Having existed for a long time
  14. 23. Very obvious
  15. 26. Being a great distance from the bottom