50 Nifty United States

  1. 3. Driest state
  2. 5. The state fish is humuhumunukunukuāpua
  3. 9. At 345 ft, the tallest point in the state is Britton Hill (the state with the lowest highest point)
  4. 11. Cutting down a saguaro cactus in this state will result in jail time
  5. 12. Home of the Mormons
  6. 13. Home of the first Dairy Queen (1940) and the first McDonald's franchise (1955)
  7. 15. Mount Rainier
  8. 16. The only non-rectangular shaped flag
  9. 17. Bourbon
  10. 19. Known as the cheese state
  11. 20. A 2003 study found that this state is flatter than a pancake, with a flatness ratio of 0.9997. The study used a mathematical analysis to compare the state to a pancake from IHOP.
  1. 1. Famous for its maple syrup
  2. 2. The state with the most national parks
  3. 4. Location of the US Air Force Academy
  4. 6. The longest coastline in the US, 6640 miles, greater than that of all other states combined
  5. 7. Where Starry Night by Van Gogh is currently located
  6. 8. Home to Mount Rushmore and the Crazy Horse Memorial
  7. 10. The first sunrise in the US
  8. 14. Has the most lighthouses of any state
  9. 18. "Everything's bigger in ___"