50 States

  1. 3. Capital of country music
  2. 5. Known for their vast amoutn of Mormons
  3. 8. Home to multiple popular cities like LA, San Fransisco Hollywood
  4. 10. Known for producing peaches
  5. 12. Known for producing lots of potatoes
  6. 13. Airplanes were invented here
  7. 16. Smallest State
  1. 1. Home to Mount Rushmore
  2. 2. Home to Yellowstone
  3. 4. Known as the concrete jungle
  4. 6. 49th State
  5. 7. Islands
  6. 9. Home to the Liberty Bell
  7. 11. Home to the Grand Canyon
  8. 14. Disney world and lots of gators
  9. 15. Has a weird shaped flag