50 Term Crossword

  1. 2. thinking about the meaning of a word rather than memorizing the definition
  2. 3. depends on both eyes and is a depth cue
  3. 5. this is a learned response (Pavlov’s experiment: dog’s salivation to food and whistle)
  4. 6. he was a linguist and argued that language was not built-in, but rather learned over time
  5. 7. according to Piaget’s theory, the stage where people are able to being thinking abstractly about topics
  6. 11. the stage where children develop mental operations and are able to logically think
  7. 12. an aroused state that prompts an organism to accomplish its own needs
  8. 15. the left frontal lobe which impairs an individual’s ability to speak
  9. 17. our tendency to look for information that supports our own beliefs and ignoring anything against it
  10. 18. he focused on psychosocial development through childhood up to adulthood
  11. 19. a treatment that is done under anesthesia where electrical currents flow through the brain triggering a seizure
  12. 20. people’s eagerness to be included within a group and create relationships
  13. 25. theory the idea that dreams occur because our brain is activated by the neural activity during REM sleep
  14. 28. he created an intelligence test and associated an intelligence test with a child’s age
  15. 33. a phenomenon known to make a small amount of light look like it’s moving in a dark environment
  16. 39. the idea that people have different levels of this and are driven to perform actions to achieve a pleasurable feeling
  17. 41. a tangible item given to someone after an achievement usually
  18. 42. when objects from a distance are seen as blurry due to its depth perception
  19. 43. he says that our facial expressions influences our emotions
  20. 44. he believed that the social aspect of our childhood influences our personality development
  21. 45. the difference between the charges on the inside and outside
  22. 46. known as important images with deeper meaning (ex: the green light in The Great Gatsby)
  23. 47. the eyes’ ability to adjust its focus on objects
  1. 1. a phenomenon known as a gradual increase in intelligence tests over time
  2. 4. our ability to learn associations which results in specific response (Pavlov’s experiment)
  3. 8. the interval where action potential cannot occur
  4. 9. holds memories for a brief period of time before it is forgotten
  5. 10. a cue for our eyes to focus inward on an object
  6. 13. this area connects both hemispheres and transmits information between them
  7. 14. the period of time where a neuron is fired to transmit a charge for a few seconds
  8. 16. the ability to adjust to environmental changes and block out any distractions
  9. 20. contains two subdivisions which are sympathetic and parasympathetic
  10. 21. a mental shortcut that allows people to come up with examples quickly
  11. 22. consists of conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, openness, and extraversion
  12. 23. the minimum difference between stimuli that a person is able to detect 50% of the time
  13. 24. exposure to other stimuli at an early period of time leads to a normal development
  14. 26. a component of personality that contains our thoughts and memories
  15. 27. scientific studies that help lead to solving problems
  16. 29. the smallest amount of stimulus required in order to detected by humans
  17. 30. when a conditioned response begins to weaken and eventually disappear
  18. 31. grouping items into certain units (ex: apples and bananas under the group of fruits)
  19. 32. he viewed an individual’s interactions with the environment important, also known as reciprocal determinism
  20. 34. a way of thinking in multiple different ways that allows for creative thinking and produces multiple solutions
  21. 35. our ability to take in information and apply them to fit schemas
  22. 36. changing aggressive behavior toward something more acceptable
  23. 37. a way of narrowing multiple solutions that leads to one solution
  24. 38. these carry information and inform muscles on what to do
  25. 40. it is a group that identifies how to express individual emotions
  26. 42. a way of logical thinking using steps that lead to answer for a certain problem