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  1. 7. After being frustrated with her teacher for embarrassing her in front of the class, Kelly goes home and lashes out on her mom as a defense mechanism.
  2. 9. synthesis theory Jimmy realizes that he is having weird dreams. His psychology teacher says that there is a theory that explains this when the brain is involved with random neural activity, dreams use this activity and try to make sense of it all.
  3. 12. rehearsal In order to remember the information she needs to remember for her essay, Mady organizes the facts and tries to connect it with her previous knowledge and memories.
  4. 17. area This part of the human brain is used to help us with the way we express our speech. Hint named after Paul.
  5. 18. callosum This part of the human brain is in charge of connecting the left and right hemisphere and transporting messages between the two different sides.
  6. 19. When solving a homework problem, Ben’s older sister says he should consider using this type of solution strategy that relies on logical rules guaranteeing a solution, even though it may take a longer time than using a heuristic.
  7. 20. developed a 8 stage of how a child will develop a beneficial personality and have meaningful interactions with others. If a person does not complete all the stages, they may have a poor sense of self.
  8. 22. this man created a test to measure one’s level of intelligence.
  9. 25. Lauren is taught to call her four legged friend at home “kitty”. When she goes to visit her cousin who has a pet dog, she calls him kitty; however, her mom explains to her how their dog is not a cat, rather he is a dog. Lauren’s schema for a cat is now modified to include just a car, and she also develops a new schema for the next time she sees a dog. She is using Piaget’s term to describe how children take in new information.
  10. 26. operations- the 3 stage of Piaget’s theory of development which includes the child’s new ability to begin to use a logical thought process to physical things.
  11. 28. of STM when we encode the information through rehearsal, we are storing things here. Information put here is either encoded for later uses or forgotten.
  12. 29. This humanistic psychologist believed that our underlying reasons for our behavior was to overcome feelings of being inferior as a child.
  13. 31. This term can be used to describe the way we are able to adjust to sensory information being changed from the normal, such as when we are able to see in a dark room after being in it for a while.
  14. 34. rules The acceptable and expected ways of showing emotions and feelings in a given society
  15. 35. operations Piaget’s last stage that lasts through adulthood where they are able to use abstract reasoning and logic to think through complex problems.
  16. 38. Natalie is using this binocular cue as she is trying to figure out its depth. Her eyes are converging in while looking at the object.
  17. 39. potential occurs when positive atoms come in and out of an axon’s membrane channels thus causing a quick electrical charge that travels down an axon
  18. 40. needs this can be described as our desire to feel connected to a group and as if we belong.
  19. 41. period the specific and necessary period after birth that is necessary to exposure specific stimuli to an infant to allow the correct development
  20. 42. reduction Alex noticed he felt thirsty, and later learned in his psychology class that it was because his body has a natural tendency to get his body back to a normalized, steady state on the inside.
  21. 44. neurons these are responsible for transporting messages away from the brain, spinal chord, and central nervous system and send them off to the muscles and the glands. They make it so the body can move.
  22. 45. Perspective a monocular cue (depth cue) that is explained because father objects are going to seem more blurred than closer objects.
  1. 1. conditioning introduced by Ivan Pavlov. Uses an unconditioned response, an unconditioned stimulus, and a neutral stimulus.
  2. 2. cues Theresa is using both of her eyes to place a 3D object. She is using a specific type of cue.
  3. 3. thinking Katie’s teacher is looking for more than one answer and says that the question can have many possible solutions, not just one.
  4. 4. effect The tendency and pattern of intelligence scores consistently on an upwards trend Scores have been continuously improving by about 27 points.
  5. 5. bias John is a huge fan of the singer Kanye West, and he only reads information about the charitable works he has done, rather than the scandals he has been involved with. He is using this bias to confirm his beliefs.
  6. 6. response When Katie taught her dogs to bark when she snaps her fingers, the dogs learned response is now considered this.
  7. 8. This happens with classical conditioning when the conditioned stimulus does not make the conditioned response to happen.
  8. 10. NS This nervous system is in charge of regulating the actions of our organs needed to survive. Typically we are unable to control these actions such as blood pressure and sneezing.
  9. 11. When the neuron is more likely to experience an action potential because the positive ions that are coming in
  10. 13. research A group of psychologists are participating in a specific type of research to solve practical problems. Their research includes practical, immediate applications.
  11. 14. Explained that all humans everywhere are capable of identifying and recognizing 7 human emotions.
  12. 15. refractory period the time in which actional potential is unable to happen because one just happened (this is a very very short amount of time)
  13. 16. thinking The math teacher is trying to get the students to think in this way because the math problems are not capable of having more than one answer.
  14. 21. Termed by Carl Jung, the belief that in our collective unconscious we all have a section of images that come from universal experiences, rather than from specific gender or race experiences. Used to explain why different groups of people possess similar myths.
  15. 23. He explained how when we observe a situation, we are able to experience the reinforcement effects and can thus predict consequences in which the same behavior comes up from the observed situation.
  16. 24. theory the theory that states humans like to participate in activities that aid us to our needed level of arousal or excitement
  17. 26. Marie has to remember a long list of 20 random numbers, but instead she uses this memory method to group the numbers together in groups of 4.
  18. 27. reward Instead of studying for the satisfaction of knowing the material well, Luke just studies so he can receive an A on the test.
  19. 30. five these 5 traits are supposed to show your personality, developed by McCrae and Costa
  20. 32. threshold In order to sense a specific stimulus ½ of the time you will need this minimum about of stimulation
  21. 33. Part of Freud’s model of the psyche in which this controls the desires of the id and superego through logic.
  22. 36. This man believed that all humans are born with the ability to develop language.
  23. 37. cue Mary believes her chances of dying on a plane are much higher than they actually are, after she watches a movie scene where the main character died from a plane crash.
  24. 40. effect Jenny is sitting alone in a dark room with a bright light shown on to the wall. As she stares at the light, she realizes that the spot is starting to move.
  25. 42. threshold In order to recognize that there is a change in a stimulus, there needs to be a minimum difference to recognize this change ½ of the time (also called JND)
  26. 43. After Sally did not feel happier after taking anti-depressants, her doctor suggested she tries this type of therapy in which she would be given a muscle relaxant.