5.2 Soil Systems and Terrestrial Food Production

  1. 2. The business of food production including farming, seed supply, breeding, chemicals for agriculture, food harvesting, distribution, processing and storage.
  2. 4. The word which describes areas where only one type of crop is grown. Begins with an M.
  3. 5. LEDC. 4 words.
  4. 7. Two words. Large scale production of crops for livestock.
  5. 8. A factor that affects what is grown and what is eaten. E.g. the desire for ice-cream in America.
  6. 9. Given to animals to prevent disease. Become very necessary in battery farms where animals are close together.
  7. 12. To make food production more viable in the long-term, we need to make it more .................... Meaning that it can last and be repeatable over the coming decades.
  8. 14. Local ecological conditions that determine what can be grown.
  9. 15. If humans decreased their consumption of this, far less land would have to be used for agriculture and less carbon dioxide and methane would be produced.
  10. 18. GMOs. 3 words.
  11. 19. Two words. A factor affecting what is grown. To do with market forces.
  12. 22. Farming is called this when it is large-scale and done for profit.
  13. 23. A factor affecting what is grown. E.g. by tariffs being placed on foods.
  1. 1. Two words. Farming for self-sufficiency to grow enough for a family.
  2. 3. MEDC. 4 words.
  3. 6. Two words. Process of taking livestock from wild animals to those that can be farmed.
  4. 10. Calorie consumption on earth does not have an even ................ There are countries where people consume far more calories per day than others.
  5. 11. Two words. Growing crops for market, not for yourself.
  6. 13. Farming that has both animals and crops and is a system in itself where animal waste is used as a fertiliser.
  7. 16. The growing of crops on good soil for eating directly or feeding to animals.
  8. 17. The raising of animals, usually on the grass, and on land that it is not suitable for crops. E.g. goats.
  9. 20. Two words. When plants are grown in alternate fashion. Every fourth year a leguminous plant might be grown.
  10. 21. The removal of biomass, nutrients, minerals and water from a a system. Often done one yearly. Begins with a H.