ML: 52nd Anniversary

  1. 3. Organized direct action by the people
  2. 4. Policy that turned Filipinos into a "commodity", catalyst of forced migration
  3. 5. Unang ¼ bagyo = students (ง ◺_◿)ง
  4. 9. social system: Landlord vs. peasant
  5. 11. Imelda has 3,000 of this
  6. 13. Running the country like a business
  7. 14. step by step process of coordinating and working with the people to enact concrete change
  8. 15. The last stage of capitalism
  1. 1. Changing and/or erasing history for fascist purposes
  2. 2. land defenders, union organizers, youth, and others apprehended by the regime
  3. 5. signs: police brutality, no press freedom, scapegoats
  4. 6. to teach others
  5. 7. The motto, part 1
  6. 8. The motto, part 2
  7. 10. Proclamation No. 1081
  8. 12. Where he went after the people ousted him