58th one

  1. 5. - A medium-sized wild cat with distinctive tufted ears
  2. 7. - A slow-moving reptile with a protective shell.
  3. 8. - Aquatic creatures commonly kept in aquariums.
  4. 9. - A large, herbivorous mammal found in Africa.
  5. 11. Pig - A small, sociable rodent often kept as a pet.
  6. 12. - A scaly reptile with a long tail.
  7. 18. - A marsupial with powerful hind legs for hopping.
  8. 19. - A close relative of humans known for their social behavior.
  9. 20. - A large, herbivorous lizard kept as a pet.
  10. 21. - A furry, independent feline often kept as a pet.
  1. 1. - A small, brightly colored fish often kept in aquariums.
  2. 2. - A strong and intelligent primate species.
  3. 3. - A small, burrowing rodent kept in cages.
  4. 4. - A small, burrowing rodent commonly kept as a pet.
  5. 6. - A small, soft-furred rodent often kept for its fur.
  6. 10. - A feathered animal often kept in cages.
  7. 13. - A legless reptile that can be kept in terrariums.
  8. 14. - A loyal and domesticated canine companion.
  9. 15. - A colorful, talking bird known for mimicry.
  10. 16. - A small, herbivorous mammal known for hopping.
  11. 17. Monster - A venomous lizard found in the southwestern United States.