5A Relating to people

  1. 2. Parents, brothers, sisters.
  2. 4. Disrespect, thinking you are much better.
  3. 5. Ms Elena will (x) me for doing this task so unbelievably well.
  4. 9. Be near smth or sb (not necessarily in a physical sense).
  5. 11. Say good words to sb.
  6. 12. Grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins.
  1. 1. Say good things to sb with a hidden goal.
  2. 3. Love, really like.
  3. 6. Speak with disrespect or abuse.
  4. 7. Make fun of or attempt to provoke in a playful way.
  5. 8. Admire.
  6. 10. Look at smth impressive or attractive with pleasure.