5.Excretion in Humans

  1. 5. Gives yellowish tinge to the urine
  2. 8. The process of expulsion of the urine
  3. 10. presence of glucose in the urine
  4. 11. breakdown of excessive amino acids in the liver
  5. 12. opening of the urinary bladder
  6. 14. Blood is filtered by the machine
  7. 15. Removal of harmful metabolic waste
  1. 1. block the path of urine
  2. 2. Accessory excretory organs
  3. 3. To maintain the water and salt
  4. 4. Inner lighter region
  5. 6. Combination of water,urine,uric acid and salts
  6. 7. a narrow tube originate from the kidney
  7. 9. Functional unit of kidney
  8. 13. Situated towards the back of the abdomen