5F Spelling Crossword Week #11

  1. 6. I think _____________ wood for the winter fire would be hard work.
  2. 7. Sometimes fifth grade students react before _____________.
  3. 8. The pirate told the sailor that the decks needed _________________.
  4. 9. The cup was __________________ with coffee and difficult to carry.
  5. 11. When we visited Maine we went _______________ on the beach.
  6. 12. I like to wear ______________ in the winter because they are really warm.
  1. 1. I hope to go __________________ down the kindergarten hill this winter.
  2. 2. Many people ___________ up during the holidays due to tons of food and little exercise.
  3. 3. The gymnast ________________ over and over during her floor routine.
  4. 4. I hope to get __________________ by dieting.
  5. 5. Jackson is __________________ an new sweater for Mr. Fye.
  6. 6. Mr. Fye is ___________________ his hair to look good for picture retakes.
  7. 10. I plan on ________________ delicious food over Thanksgiving break.