- 4. This is the complementary color to green
- 5. These can be geometric or organic; 2-D; circle is an example
- 7. These colors remind us of snow, winter, nature; Blue, Violet, and Green
- 8. This color is made by mixing yellow and red
- 10. This color is made by mixing red and blue
- 14. This color is made by mixing yellow and blue
- 15. This is the complementary color to purple
- 16. These colors remind us of the sun, lava, fire; Red, Orange, and Yellow
- 17. This is the way something feels or looks like it feels; Bumpy, Fluffy, Rough are examples
- 20. This group of colors include Black, Brown, White, and Gray
- 21. This is a piece of art that looks like the outdoors; Think of Bob Ross
- 1. This is created when we add black to a color
- 2. This is created when shapes or lines repeat
- 3. This is how buildings are constructed; An artist makes a building
- 6. This is the complementary color to orange
- 9. The way things are separated on a paper; think about the middle ground, background, and foreground
- 11. These are the three colors that make all other colors; Red, Blue, and Yellow
- 12. This is when something can be folded in half and be the same on both sides
- 13. These can be geometric or organic; 3-D; sphere is an example
- 18. This is created when we add white to a color
- 19. These are the colors that are made by mixing two primary colors together; Green, Orange, Purple