5th Grade Math

  1. 3. Math teacher in 5C
  2. 9. Does multiplication or Addition come first in the order of operations?
  3. 10. What technique do you use to divide fractions?
  4. 11. What does the P stand for in PEMDAS?
  5. 12. Math teacher in 5A
  1. 1. What model do we use when talking about distance?
  2. 2. Problem done at the end of class to test your knowledge
  3. 4. Any parallelogram with 4 equal sides
  4. 5. Math teacher in 5D
  5. 6. Math teacher in 5B
  6. 7. What technique do you use to add or subtract fractions?
  7. 8. A model used to visualize the multiplication of fractions